Once upon a time...
There was a girl. She was well-known in the company and had an active network. Despite being quite popular, a strange thing was happening.
No one was calling her by her name, not even her official position within the company.
Everyone was calling her:
The Marketing Girl.
Now and then, the Marketing Girl attended professional events to support her colleagues on-site.
She loved this as she was very good with people.
She has always been excited to meet new people and to mingle.
But lately, she started to feel heavy, almost sad, because every time her colleagues introduced her, they never said her name and role; they were just saying:
‘Oh, and here is our marketing girl.’
Days got darker, mornings became more burdensome, and coffee was suddenly tasteless.
Our girl fought this thought and feeling for as long as she could, but she had to face the reality.
She was being belittled.
What a terrible feeling, and she finally had to name it.
So many years of hard work, she, the Marketing Manager, Content Strategy Director, Head of Marketing, and Chief Marketing Officer, was never seen for all those years of experience and expertise; she was just the marketing girl.
This is the story of many girls out there. Many professional women with leadership, management, and strategic positions, are often labeled like this.
The marketing girls
The financial girls
The HR girls
Have you ever heard someone say, the customer support boys? Or the sales boys? Or anything like this?
The Marketing Girl has never heard that.
The HR girls have never heard that.
The sales gals, either.
No girls in the company have heard that.
One day, the Marketing Girl decided to shout out her name.
My name is Alexandra, and I am the Marketing Manager.
My name is Diana, and I am the Head of Content.
My name is Ana, and I am the Chief of Marketing.
Soon she learned there were more girls needing to shout their names in the company, and they followed.
My name is Cristina, and I am the Financial Strategist.
My name is Sophia, and I am the Customer Support Service Manager.
My name is Ioana, and I am the Head of QA.
My name is Denisa, and I am the Design Senior Manager.
Suddenly there was music, and coffee had its aroma back. The sun was shining, and waking up in the morning stopped feeling like a stupid workout after a night out.
Shout your name!
The End.
With care for your brand,
Stefana Sopco.
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